Single Origin Tea
Single Origin Merupakan bentuk teh yang terdiri dari daun lepas dan berasal dari satu perkebunan atau wilayah geografis. Single Origin Tea benar-benar menggambarkan hubungan yang paling dekat dengan lokasi di mana teh itu dibudidayakan, mencerminkan kombinasi tertentu dari tanah, iklim, topografi, dan teroir yang ditawarkan daerah tersebut.
Organic Premium Green Tea
Bankitwangi Organic Green Tea Premium is made from handpicked tea bushes that are then processed in a way that preserves the flavor and freshness of the tea leaves while yet retaining their aroma. Contains the highest catechin content, which is an antioxidant. Green tea is an excellent choice for anyone interested in leading a healthier lifestyle. Its acknowledged benefits for the body have been recognized and valued in every region of the world.

Organic Black no 17 Tea
An exquisite blend of two types of black tea: Assamica black tea with a strong body and Sinensis black tea with a Floral and sweet scent. A special blended tea that allows you to enjoy the taste and aroma of each tea leaf at the same time.
Organic Premium Black Tea
Organic Premium Black tea is an Assamica Black tea that has a hue that ranges from light reddish brown to dark reddish brown when it has been infused.It has a flavor that is similar to honey and has a light tobacco aroma that is reminiscent of citrus and flowers at the same time. Black tea is a versatile product that may be paired with other products for any mixoloy arrangement, such as mixing it with milk or with fruits. Its flavor profile, which is well rounded, will always support any coupling because it is so adaptable.
Organic White Tea
White tea is an extremely uncommon and precious tea that employs just silver tips from the tips of tea Buds. The exquisite silver tips, painstakingly hand-picked for a limited number of hours from early morning, filled with polyphenol contents that is unequaled by other teas. We meticulously perform out chosen harvesting method, therefore we can only pick about 500g from 1 hectare. It is a type of tea with a rich, delicious, natural and delicate aroma with a slight sweetness. You can
enjoy this exquisite taste even more if you drink using cold brew.
Organic Jasmine Tea
The traditional drink of Indonesia is a jasmine-flavored tea. A process that combines two distinct kinds of jasmine flowers with organic green tea is utilized in the production of this tea. Bankitwangi continues to adhere to the traditional process of creating Jasmine Tea by utilizing only jasmine blossom and organic green tea as the base without any other ingredients. Jasmine tea has a lovely perfume of jasmine blossoms and the natural fragrance taken from the flowers. Jasmine flowers are used to make this exquisite tea.

Organic Imperial Black Tea
Imperial Black Tea is a type of Sinensis Black Tea that was developed at Bukit Sari Tea Garden from a unique variety of Sinensis Black Tea. It has a taste that is refined and aromatic, the mixture of fruity, floral, and sweet aroma, and it has an elegant flavor. Imperial Black Tea is a well-known Black tea that has been very successful in several international tea competitions and has taken home a number of awards.