Organic Pandanus Tea – Sachet
When discussing Asian cuisine, people frequently make a note of Pandan as Asian’s vanilla. Pandan robust usage in Asian’s dish, revered throughout the entirety of Asia’s culinary tradition and is used in a wide variety of savory and sweet dishes. Pandan’s usage can be found in a variety of recipes both for sweets and savoury. The blend of this ingredients with the addition of Jasmine tea, which is a green tea with a very strong jasmine flower aroma infused in it, enables the Pandan Leaf to produce a very sweet and creamy aroma in the brew. This is one of the aspects that we enjoy the most about the Pandan Leaf. It has a flavor that is unmistakably unique to itself and cannot be confused with any other flavor.
Brewing Advise
3 gr of tea / per portion packed sachet
<3 minute
85-95 ℃
Although based from green tea, this tea is somewhat have similar treatment to Black tea. So its advised to brew in high temperature of water. The usage of Fresh water is preferable, but not necessary, You can practically use any type of water as long as its great tasting for a fantastic cup of tea. .You may get multiple uses out of many of these teas by rebrewing them. Reusing the brew multiple times might bring up even more nuanced tastes